Umpires Serving Local Communities
Umpires Supporting Umpires
Umpire Training and Development
Game Time
The Future Destination


Welcome to District Umpires.

District Umpires is a professional organization focused on Little League rules, field mechanics, and general knowledge topics. Our goal is to provide consistent training to help umpires advance to their desired post-season tournament levels. Whether it be State, Regionals, or a World Series, we want to help you get there.

We put a great deal of emphasis on rules knowledge. The better educated you are on rules, the better your games will go. We have several online quizzes you can take to better your knowledge before and after attending a clinic, or just to see how well you know the rules. Our quizzes are straight forward and not designed to trick you. We can see what quizzes we have by clicking to the link under Helpful Links.

We also provide FREE membership. What does that get you? Our goal is to provide our services to leagues across Texas. Signing up for membership allows us to schedule you for games at one league and if you're available, you can do games at another league. We are working with several leagues in and around the area to provide umpires. By completing a membership profile by clicking the option above, we can work with you to do games where umpires are needed.

We have also developed as part of our program, an Emotional Intelligence (EQ) course within our umpire clinics. Based on the practices of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management, if we can be more in tune with our own abilities, it'll make us better umpires. This course includes general instruction, breakout group discussions, and situational questions.

We also offer a Emotional Intelligence program for the league's local board. Using the same 4 practices, this program is designed with the board member in mind. How to deal with players, managers, coach's, parents, and fans are vital in today's youth sports programs. Unfortunately in today's world, things can go crazy in a hurry. By taking this course, we hope to proactively reduce or even eliminate problems.

At District Umpires, we consider umpiring a profession. How you look on the field, rules knowledge, field mechanics, and overall presentation reflects not only on you, but other umpires. We encourage umpires to take pride in what you do. When you put all these into place, you have better games and most importantly, you're having fun.

Let's work together for the betterment of the game and ensure the players are provided the quality of umpires the game and players deserve.