Umpires Serving Local Communities
Umpires Supporting Umpires
Umpire Training and Development
Game Time
The Future Destination


District 31 is currently planning umpire clinics at several leagues. While the clinics are for umpires, we encourage managers, coach's, and parents to attend. If you are a manager, coach, or parent, you can plan on attending the rules portion of the clinic. You are more than welcome to attend the field mechanics portion, but you'll get more out of the rules portion.

Please check out the Clinics section of our website for a clinic near you. If you're a league president and wish to hold a clinic, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to coordinate the date and times.

We are also planning a tournament rules clinic after the regular season. This will cover tournament rules for both baseball and softball. Umpires wanting to umpire post-season should plan on attending the clinic. Like we do for the regular session, we encourage tournament managers and coach's to attend.

In addition to covering rule changes, rules, and field mechanics, we discuss how managers and coach's should approach and talk with umpires. Honestly, there's a right and wrong way to do this. We'll cover some basic techniques to help you work with umpires.

These clinics are very insightful and cover a lot of information. Please feel free to reach out to us by sending your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..