Umpires Serving Local Communities
Umpires Supporting Umpires
Umpire Training and Development
Game Time
The Future Destination

Umpire Clinics

Our umpire clinics are a one-day clinic focusing on rule changes, baseball and softball rules, field mechanics, and general discussion topics. We emphasis that we believe umpiring is a profession. It's year round when you consider the spring season, fall ball, and then preparing for the next spring season. We focus on basic fundamentals because we know the impact umpires have on the game. If you have the desire or want to reach a World Series, our goal is to provide you the tools to get there.

If you are planning to attend a clinic, we encourage you to take one of the several quizzes we have online. Each quiz is a general knowledge, multiple choice quiz with extra credit questions at the end. Our questions are not designed to trick you but to see how much you know and understand about the rules.

For those interested in umpiring post-season tournaments, we will have Tournament Rules clinics focusing on tournament rules, 3 and 4 man mechanics. These are also a one-day clinic and highly recommended for anyone wanting to advance in post season play.