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Umpire Quizzes

In the table below, you will find several quizzes pertaining to baseball and softball. The quizzes come from the 2025 Baseball and Softball Rulebooks and the 2025 version of The Right Call book.

The quizzes should take you about 30-45 minutes to complete. If you start a quiz, be sure to finish it in it's entirety. You will not be able to re-start a quiz. The questions are straight forward, they are not written to trick you. Don't read between the lines, answer the question as it's written. When answering a question, your first response is usually the right one.

Your score will be displayed after you have completed the quiz. There will be rule references for you for questions that are answered incorrectly. There are bonus questions for most of the quizzes. These are optional questions and do not count against you if you decide not to answer them.

Everyone's answers and scores will be saved. The district umpire staff will only use this information to help highlight rules to incorporate into our umpire clinics. You will see a place for your name and email address. These are optional fields if you'd like to fill them in.

UPDATE: There is a New Umpire Quiz for umpires who have not umpired before or have umpired for less than one year. It covers general baseball/softball rules for the beginner umpire.

Good Luck!

Quiz Est. Time (min) Click the Link # Questions Bonus Questions
New Umpire Quiz 30 Take Quiz 58 7
LL General Baseball Quiz 45 Take Quiz 100 15
LL General Softball Quiz 45 Take Quiz 100 15
LL Advanced Umpire Quiz 45 Take Quiz 152 18
LL Situational Quiz 30 Take Quiz 50 0
LL Baseball Tournament Quiz 30 Take Quiz 45 0
LL Softball Tournament Quiz 30 Take Quiz 45 0
LL Field Mechanics Quiz 30 Take Quiz 40 0